The main problems that happen in families, which have children with disabilities
children with disabilities, emotional disorders, depression, mental disorders, rehabilitation activity, rehabilitation culture, pathological state, limitations of communication.Abstract
This article has written about, today’s one of the biggest problems in our society is circumtances of handicapped children. Nowadays, many children before birhting of to this life. To that influeted variety type of reasons. It is a significant issues to our society. In most cases adapting to our society to these people is not unlikely. Problem, that took place is the one sights to the parents errors taking place in loading of humanity that representatives of vulnerable groups in society as a normal person is directly related to the decline. It is directly related by not accepting society to at those group of people. The issues of handicapped children, impossible explain whithout their family, home, friends. That is why it has written, adapting disabled children to our society is directly depends on variety types of technologies.
For example, we all know that the majority of people with disabilities who are unable to walk , just beyond the simple actions: the city will not be able to walk by themself; disable to go thierself to hospitals, pharmacies, shops and cinemas, etc. canno go without help other people. Those with, whom they do not intervene to reduce the abilities of children with disabilities from childhood habits, inhibit the development of an intellectual point of view. Family, the most basic form the social environment of the child. However, in some cases, family members may abuse against children with disabilities. Because the financial support of the family, leisure and social activities will show a lot of restrictions. Therefore, their familiy’s low mood also could influense growing up habit of children. The main purpose of this article is determine several type of problems in hadlecapped child’s families and inquest research area of socialogical, psycological etc , maximal support and giving advices to their parents. To suggest several kind of solutions of issues.
A distinctive feature of article is through defining the main issues of disabilities people, who has physical disability, psychological and biological, tells clearly aspects of removals. Using the opinions of socilogical expert’s arguments suggested supports from the government.Article is for, who are studying for a degree psychology and social psychology and social and other specialists in the humanitarian sphere.
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