Comparative analysis of job search graduates


  • A. B. Sarsenova Әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық­ универ­си­те­ті­, Қaзaқстaн Республикасы, Aлмaты қ.
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graduates, employment strategy, labor market, youth employment, ISKUR, internet resources.


Completion of high school and entering the labor market – one of the most important events in the life of a young specialist adopted on this point solution can greatly affect future career and the entire way of life. For college graduates find themselves, their place in life is impossible without having a job corresponding to their abilities, needs and opportunities, and for this we need to find their place in the labor market.

The main criterion of job search for young professionals is to find ways of work-ing and employment strategy. Study employment of graduates of higher educational institutions in conditions of constant transformation changes in the modern Kazakh society is overdue. Youth employment has become the most acute problem in the youth policy of many countries. In the article is a comparative analysis of graduate employment system in Kazakhstan and Turkey, ways to find work and a way out of young professionals in the labor market are highlighted. It is revealed that there are significant differences in job search techniques. The role of Iskur in order to regulate the employment of young people and to prevent the unemployment rate in Turkey is considered in the article.

For the modern society it is particularly important to understand of what consti-tutes the modern youth, it is potential, values, preferences. According to the analysis are many sided employment strategies and job search of graduates of Kazakhstan and Turkey revealed. So, for example Kazakhstan graduates are mainly on traditional values. For domestic graduates the problem of their marital status and expansion of their friends to activate their network of interactions is actual nowadays.

So the first jobs were found with the help of parents and friends by means of ties. As for Turkish university graduates the Internet – resources, ISKUR employment agency regulation most contributed in finding a job. It can be assumed that gradu-ates of this country are more adapted to the market conditions. For both countries, significant barriers to employment of graduates was the low level of training and experience.


How to Cite

Sarsenova, A. B. (2016). Comparative analysis of job search graduates. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 57(2). Retrieved from