Dependence of understanding of another man from personality type by K. Jung
understanding-recognition, understanding-view awareness-attitude, the semantic correlation, extroverted and introverted-oriented personality types.Abstract
This article is an attempt to identify the characteristics of understanding level of Another through artwork. The problem of understanding of Another was mostly studied in the process of direct communication. However, as people understood Another in the process of mediated communication, particularly through literary works, TV shows, au thors from the Internet, etc., almost poorly understood. In this regard, we took Another as a friend, invisibly presented in his work, honored artist of Kazakhstan D. Aliyev. To conduct this study, we used the methodology of O. Kroeger J. M. Thusson, detecting the type of personality according to Karl Jung, writing essay through painting of D. Aliyev «Watching TV», content analysis of creativity of the subjects and the correlation with the author’s position, which identified levels of understanding of the author and his position;. One or another understanding of the subjects of the author’s ideas was as sessed by the level of A. Kim: understanding – recognition, understanding opinion and understanding attitude. As a result of the study it was revealed the dependence of the levels of understanding of personality types by Jung. Comparative analysis of data types allowed to identify enough significant differences in their understanding of the Another. In particular, it was found that the highest level of understanding (the «understanding attitude») of Another person is peculiar to extraverted – feeling type.
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