Manifestation of splitting at interpretation of dynamic processes in a grouppolymodal supervision
protectivemechanisms, splitting, polymodalsupervision, dynam icprocess.Abstract
In article, features of manifestation of the protective mechanism in a group polymo dal supervision are considered. It is known, that work of polymodal supervision group is capable to give not only resource support to a supervisor, but also to help to find and keep limits of professional identity of the expert that in turn will help to improve considerably quality of private life. Also to increase efficiency of professional activity and to avoid a syndrome of emotional burning out. Authors of article, being direct participants of super vision process, tried to trace features of manifestation of one of protective mechanisms in the course of interpretation of dynamic processes in a group polymodal supervision. Protective mechanisms of mentality by means of which any information from the outside world, being rejected by consciousness, gets, passing it, in unconscious mentalities, cause a particular interest in the practicing psychologists. As they bear interesting psychodiag nostic information. Refer splitting to similar protective mechanisms. Splitting as the pro tective mechanism by means of which the mental structure loses the integrity, forming in exchange two or more substructures, is a certain distortion of reality by means of which action the individual seeks to leave from reality, substituting the true world – false. In ar ticle features of manifestation of psychotic and neurotic splitting, splitting on a gender sign and archetypic splitting are considered. The leader of supervision group remains constant object, providing with the self stability and control, safety of participants. At questions determination stage – it can be shown, that in the closed questions or in the questions containing the hidden statements as though the opinion was already created. At a state ment stage, participants as though get into dispute with each other, stating the opposite points of view. One can take a liking for the client, advising the expert to give more support, others, on the contrary, feeling aversion, advise to toughen interaction borders. Splitting on a gender sign most often happens the neurotic plan. It is also shown, that at the initial stages of group work. The professional supervision is a necessary stage of formation and development of each psychotherapist, psychologist and consultant. Supervision is one of ways of interaction of the expert, professional community and society in general. Supervision is a prevention of professional burning out, an effective form of exchange of experience, growth and maintenance of professionalism. Supervi sion process allows to include innovative components in daily practice of the professional harmoniously. Attempt to describe dynamics of splitting in group supervision process is an invitation to dialogue that scientifically structuring the perception of dynamic pro cesses.The given splitting examples as psychological protection – are based on personal experience of participation in work of group of a polymodal supervision.
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