Role of Sh. Alzhanov in shaping the Kazakh pedagogics


  • G. Sh. Zhumagulova М. Сaпaрбaев aтындaғы Оңтүс­тік­ Қaзaқстaн гумaнит­aрлық инсти­ту­ты­, Қaзaқстaн Республикасы, Шымкент­ қ.
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intelligence, personality, culture.


This article presents the results of a psychological study of psychological characteris­ tics of educational psychology, education and training, taking into account the conditions and laws of formation of young science in Kazakhstan. Kazakh educational psychology in its scientific development proholit several stages. The main subject of our research is a young educational psychology of professorSh.Alzhanov, who belongs to representatives of the third stage. At this stage, educational psychology was part of pedology in their de­ scriptions. In this case, educational psychology by the materials of assimilation patterns of learning. So educational psychology is the science studying development of educational material, effective learning patterns, considering the psychological features in the train­ ing. That is, on the one hand studies the psychological position of the specifics of the techniques of pedagogical activity and patterns of assimilation, application in practice and methods of formation. On the other hand, education psychology plays an important role in the education system, and is designed to overcome the contradiction between learning and development. In this regard, generally considered a person’s personality, and the abil­ ity of the laws of intellectual development.

The problem of education is found in many writings Sh. Alzhanov. For ex­ ample, in the report «Immediate Tasks of the institute of research and pedagogy problems of nationalKazakh culture» the writes: «Study the past – opens the way to understanding the foundations of a new modern education. Sh. Alzhanov not only improved methods of teaching, he saw an improvement in the overall integrated system upgrade training.

Author Biography

G. Sh. Zhumagulova, М. Сaпaрбaев aтындaғы Оңтүс­тік­ Қaзaқстaн гумaнит­aрлық инсти­ту­ты­, Қaзaқстaн Республикасы, Шымкент­ қ.


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How to Cite

Zhumagulova, G. S. (2016). Role of Sh. Alzhanov in shaping the Kazakh pedagogics. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 56(1). Retrieved from