Motivation as one of the components of psychological readiness for professional psychologist’s work
professional motivation, psychological readiness to professional activity, psychology student.Abstract
Article reviews the results of the study of motivation as an important component of psychological readiness for professional psychologist’s work. Relying on the tradi tion of Soviet psychology, we have considered professional motivation, as a dynamic hierarchic system of motives defining internal and external activity of man in the pro fessional sphere, accompanying the whole process of professional development of the individual. The purpose of the study – the study of motivation, as one of the psy chological components of readiness for professional activity in future psychologists. The analysis of views on the problem of professional motivation existing in mod ern psychology, led us to the realization that professional motivation is a dynamic hi erarchic system of motives that determine the internal and external human activity in the professional field, accompanying all the professional development process, since the emergence of professional interests to achieve the highest levels of professionalism in the selected area. The object of study – motivation as one of the components of psychological readiness for professional activity in the future psychologists. Organiza tion of the study. The empirical work was carried of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, East – Kazakh State University, University «Turan». The subject of the study were the following indicators of professional motivation: focus on the professional fulfillment, satisfaction with the chosen profession, motivation to achieve professional success. Methodical toolkit: «Focus on professional self-realization,» «Satisfaction with one’s chosen profession» and «Motivation to achieve professional success».Summary of results of the analysis made it possible to establish that the majority of future psy chologists has an average level of professional motivation. At the same time, focus on the professional fulfillment and motivation to achieve professional success are most pronounced at the 3 rd year students.Comparison of professional motivation with indicators of readiness for professional work as practical psychologist gives you the opportunity to consider the motivation to achieve professional success, focus on pro fessional development and self-realization and satisfaction of their profession deter mining factors, the further development of which will help to optimize the process of professional training of future psychologists
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