The social policy of the state in the area of mitigation of criminal punishment to minors persons


  • N. N. Khibina Әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзақ ұлттық университеті, Қaзaқстaн Республикасы, Aлмaты қ.
        36 29


кәмeлeткe толмaғaндaр, кeшeнді сaлaaрaлық инсти­тут, құ­қықтық­ тaбиғaты, көтeрмeлeу шaрaсы, жaзaны өтeудeн шaрт­ты түрдe мeрзі­ мінeн бұрын босaту, қылмыстық құқық, қылмыстық іс жүргізу құқығы, қыл­ мыстық-aтқaру құқығы.


The contents of article open separate aspects of social policy of the Republic Kazakh­ stan pursued in area of mitigation of criminal punishment to persons, nedostigshikh major­ ity. Proceeding from understanding of release from punishment serving as complex interin­ dustry institute, it is investigated the questions opening the legal nature of conditional and early release. Complexity of studying of problems of legal essence of conditional and early release is burdened pristutstviyem its norms in several adjacent branches of the right. This circumstance causes existence in the theory criminal, criminal penitentiary and the criminal procedure right of various points of sight of scientists in the relation of concept of conditional and early release, its legal nature. Having summarized variety of views of scientists of prob­ lems of conditional and early release, differentiation on four stages, everyone them which contains features of scientific positions of researchers in area of the above-named branches of the right is carried out them. In the first stage the positions reflecting views of character, a legal design and a ratio of norms about conditionally – early release are considered, an are also reflected problems and the main tendencies on their improvement on the basis of the analysis in article acting standardly – legal acts and the available legal practice. In the second stage, the attention to extents of socially useful activity of the subject as the bases of its release is accented. Respectively, conditional дос­рочноe­ release is understood as an encouragement measure, the subjective right of the person leaving punishment, lawful interest of the condemned. The third stage, contains views which basis such aspect as social purpose of realization of the studied institute is. To the fourth stage uniting approaches to the legal nature of conditional and early release it is analyzed the sight points reflecting branch accessory of the studied institute. In compliance with them the regulation of conditional and early release is carried to this or that branch of the right.


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How to Cite

Khibina, N. N. (2016). The social policy of the state in the area of mitigation of criminal punishment to minors persons. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 56(1). Retrieved from