Patriotism as a moral phenomenon of youthin social life
идеология, пaтриотизм, пaтриотология, религиозный экстремизм, пaтриотическое воспитaние молодежи.Abstract
The authors-advocatesthe creation ofa separate areaof scientific knowledge-patriotol ogyunitingexperience in formingand maintaininga high level ofsocialpatriotism,notrolling innationalism andchauvinism,professingthe priorityof moral valuesand tolerancein rela tions betweenpeoples. Young people, as we know,is the mostsensitive anddynamic structure, the values of whichcanpredictthe future development ofa particular society. Therefore,the study of itsvalue orientationsis not onlyan important diagnostic tool of pa triotology, but also helpsin the designof social and culturalspheres ofthe development of anysociety. The article isabout the history offormation and development ofthe views ofscientists on theissueof patriotismsince the beginning ofhuman civilization. It is not edthat this issuewas consideredby scientistsof antiquitysuchasConfucius, Plato, Aristotle andotherswho have studied thepatriotismin the context ofequality andfriendshipbetween people.The feeling of caring and love for man-patriot then seen in the works of medieval scholarsT. Hobbes, John Locke, J.J. Rousseau, Sh. Montesquieu, and others. In Russia, the concept of «patriotism», many scientists associated with the concept of «Russian soul». In discussing this issue, the active involvement of such prominent scholars and writers as I.Karamzin, P.Y. Chaadaev, I.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Berdyaev and others. It was a great school of civic responsibility and patriotism. However, today’s economic conditions, in clusive, political crisis and war patriotic feelings of the person began to take second place. In this regard, the authors acutely raise the question of what is today the ideology of religious extremism struck many countries, including, became implanted in Russia and Kazakhstan, which is a serious blow to the patriotic feelings of youth. The article pro posesto raise toa new, higherlevel ofpatriotic educationamong the studentsusinga variety of formsof educational andcultural work. It is also proposedto introducein the educational processat all levelsof arts educationa specialdisciplinecalled «Patriotology.»
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