The religious situation in our country: sociological considers


  • Zh. A. Nazarbek Қaзaқ мемле­кет­тік­ қыздaр педaго­гикaлық универ­си­те­ті­, Қазақстан Республикасы, Алматы қ.
        53 42


әлеуметтaну, ­ дін, діни­ aхуaл, діни­ aғым, идеология, ислaм, қоғaм, психология, рaдикaл, экстремизм.


In this article, discusses the religious situation in our country, the main considered factors such as the situation of the social environment, social and spiritual development, the causes of social and psychological problems, etc. In the context of globalization and growth of international contacts it has become apparent that the situation in Kazakhstan is influenced by global geopolitical trends and events in the neighboring regions, especially in the CIS, Central Asia and the Middle East. Since some of the neighboring countries are experiencing serious social and economic difficulties, it is necessary to take into account this factor in the formation of policy in the sphere of inter-confessional relations. External threats must not negatively affect the situation in the country. During the years of indepen­ dence Kazakhstan has fundamentally changed their attitude to religion: both at the level of the whole society, and at the level of state-confessional relations. Kazakh society in a sub­ stantial part of its positioning itself religious. Religion has come to play a significant role in social development, in maintaining stability of Kazakhstan society. It demanded that the state building adequate relations with religious associations, church-state relations have risen to a number of the most important for the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the author of the modern religious situation in Kazakhstan is characterized by the weakening of the influence of traditional religions in the society due to prolonged religious - spiritual vacuum that occurred in the Soviet period in the history of Kazakhstan. Recently there has been a purposeful penetration into the territory of Kazakhstan non-traditional Islamic and Protestant religious associations, as well as new cults which have a destructive character. The activities of most of these associations, which proclaim their goals total «Islamization» or «evangelization» of Kazakhstan, coordinated and funded by foreign centers. The scope of activities of destructive religious associations recently increased. The article is devoted to the analysis of dynamics in religious processes, sources of changes and the contem­ porary religious situation, peculiarities of interaction between religious associations and the state. In addition, this paper presents the survey results, the problem of the religious situation in the country, the main factors of radical religious movements, public opinion analysis, evaluation of the level of civil unrest and assessment of personal safety. The author presents the results of the comprehensive social research «The Religious Situation in our country». As a result, despite the measures undertaken by the State against certain radical movements, laws regarding the activities of these organizations religoznyh must be rigid and not carried out efforts will be in vain.


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How to Cite

Nazarbek, Z. A. (2016). The religious situation in our country: sociological considers. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 56(1). Retrieved from