Psychosocial features of work with teenagers of group of risk
группa рискa, социaльнaя рaботa, социaльный рaботник, социaльнaя группa, подростковый возрaст.Abstract
The article presents the main directions of social work with categories of people most vulnerable to environmental, medical or social circumstances. Characterized by category «risk group», denotes her principal features, is represented by a number of factors. The ba sis for understanding the risk categories identified by the author: a situational characteristic of activity consisting in uncertainty of its outcome and possible adverse consequences in case of failure; action to achieve the goal associated with certain elements of danger; the threat to human health in certain conditions; a person’s behavior in a situation of choice. The article covers problems of children and adolescents with developmental problems, left without oversight from family, antisocial family, antisocial children and needy people in socio-economic and socio-psychological support.
Subject to the analysis of the factors underlying the risk of having a medical-bi ological, socio-economic, socio-demographic, socio-psychological and pedagogical orientation. Depending on the reasons for entering risk, presents approaches to solving the problem: information (informing about rights and duties imposed by the state to the fulfillment of social norms); organization of leisure; behavioural approach (life skills for coping with situations of risk); socio-preventive (system of measures to eliminate and minimize the causes of deviant behavior); medical-biological (system of measures aimed at prevention of deviations of measures of treatment-and-prevention); socio-ped agogical approach (repair or correction qualities of the teenager with deviant behavior, his moral and volitional qualities of personality).
Shows the role of the social worker when working with the categories of «risk groups» identified the ethical component of this process on the example of social work with child’s family, is related to the group.
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