High school graduate: professional qualities and preferences


  • G. O. Abdikerova Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
  • M. S. Sadirova Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
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выпускник, вуз, рaботодaтель, конкурентоспособность, инновaция, профессионaлизм.


Relevance of the research arises from the necessity of paying attention to the inte­ gration of education and science, science and industry. Education does not have time to go behind the science. With regard to the relationship between science and industry, technology and science, which are transformed into the link between industry and higher education - it has become a major problem in the preparation of qualified specialists in the field of social sciences. Evaluation and monitoring of the activities of higher education institutions - an important component and guarantee of their successful development in the future. At this stage of the modernization of higher education in the country is neces­ sary to measure the level of progress in terms of the contribution of universities to social and economic and social development of the region of the republic.

In order to study and identify the main problems, make the social portrait of modern young man who enters on an independent way of life was conducted a questionnaire sur­ vey among the universities of Kazakhstan (the respondents, 92 students KazNU, ZhenPI, ATU). The transformationprocesses taking placein Kazakhstan inthe 20 years, affected thevalueof the structure andinstallation ofthe youth, their professional plansand prefer­ ences. On the basisof the resultsgiven the opportunity toanalyzethe problemsandtake the necessary measures.

Author Biographies

G. O. Abdikerova, Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты

M. S. Sadirova, Кaзaхский­ нaционaль­ный уни­верси­тет­ имени aль-Фaрaби, Республика Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты


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How to Cite

Abdikerova, G. O., & Sadirova, M. S. (2016). High school graduate: professional qualities and preferences. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 56(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/581