Feminization of teaching profession in Kazakhstan: causes and implications


  • A. Iztayeva Назарбаев Университет
        48 33


feminization, teachers’ status, gender inequality, discrimination.


The purpose of this article is to examine the issues of feminization of teaching profession in Kazakhstan using results of a research project conducted by the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education of Cambridge University. The article considers low level of monthly wage rates for teachers and traditional gendered division of labour in Kazakh society as main causes of ffeemmiinization of teaching, and discusses lack of male role models, negative impact upon boys’ educational attainment and consolidation of gender inequality in the society as possible implications of the feminization.


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18. Kelleher F. Women and the teaching profession. Exploring the feminisation debate. – Paris: UNESCO, 2011. – P. 242.
19. Drudy S. Gender balance/gender bias: the teaching profession and the impact of feminisation // Gender and Education. – 2008. – №20:4. – P. 309-323.
20. Fraser N. After the family wage: a postindustrial thought experiment. In: Fraser N. Justice interrupts: critical reflections on the «postsocialist» condition. – New ork: Routledge, 1997. – P. 256.




How to Cite

Iztayeva, A. (2014). Feminization of teaching profession in Kazakhstan: causes and implications. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 50(3). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/572