Neoliberal Restructuring of Modern Cities.


  • G. S. Abdirayimova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • S. S. Serikzhanova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
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urban space, capital, marginalization, neoliberalism, social inequality, urban transformation.


The article presents the main theoretical approaches to explaining the current trends in the transformation of cities. The connection between neoliberal processes and urban transformations is considered. Special attention is given to understanding the social inequality in the logic of critical urbanism. Modern cities are transformed into sites for various experiments of neoliberal policies. The more progressive reorganized the capitalist economy, the wider and deeper spread new marginality.


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How to Cite

Abdirayimova, G. S., & Serikzhanova, S. S. (2012). Neoliberal Restructuring of Modern Cities. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 43(4). Retrieved from