The structure of the value orientations of Kazakh diaspora abroad
Foreign Kazakhs, values, factor analysis, the structure of value sphere, ethnic culture, titular ethnic group in KazakhstanAbstract
The aim of our research is to study the value orientations of the Kazakh diaspora living abroad in Europe (for example, Germany) and Asia (for example, China). The following conclusions: the structure value sphere titular ethnic group in Kazakhstan and representatives of the Kazakh diaspora abroad is multifaceted and is characterized by both similarities and differences. Kazakhs living abroad, appreciate the sense of community and well-being, which is reflected in finding their sense of balance and in unison with himself and others, in human intimacy and friendship, humor and pleasure, romance and intimacy in the care of and willingness to help others. In addition, foreign Kazakhs tend to value orientations associated with appreciating the meaning of religion, belief in fate, in spirituality. Type the value of "independence" is interconnected with foreign Kazakhs, especially with the type of the value of "stimulation" as a desire for novelty and profound experience, and the type of the value of "maturity" as finding meaning in wisdom, harmony and tolerance. Along with this, the Kazakhs living abroad, appreciate in a lifetime opportunity for change, change, certain risk. In general, foreign Kazakhs characterized as individual values and group values in a particular maturity. Titular ethnic group in Kazakhstan, is characterized primarily by individual value orientations. They focus mainly on self-realization, while commending the individuality, the desire to dominate and dedication. Type the value of "independence" is interconnected at the titular nation of Kazakhstan, first of all, the type of the value of the "achievements" as a manifestation of social competence in terms of dominant cultural standards, entailing social approval. In addition, for the titular nation of Kazakhstan important value orientations are a happy family life and material well-being, compared to these value orientations of social activity takes a back seat. In general, the titular nation of Kazakhstan is characterized by values, above all, self, individuality, domination, commitment with the leading role in the value field of family well-being and social approval in accordance with the cultural standards. For Kazakhs living abroad, is characterized, above all, values that appear in the sense of community and well-being: finding meaning in balance and unison with himself and others, in human intimacy and friendship, humor and pleasure, romance and intimacy, in caring for others and a willingness to help. Foreign Kazakhs tend to value orientations related to the high estimation in the sense of religion, belief in fate, in spirituality, finding meaning in wisdom, harmony and tolerance while appreciating the new, change, change, risk, and that perhaps pushed their ancestors moved to China and Europe from Kazakhstan.
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