Formation of social infrastructure contemporaneity industrial Revolution
infrastructure, social infrastructure, fuel energy, fuel technology, energy as a global social system, power system, the industrial revolution, training, school and higher education, transport, highways, tourism, sports, teatr.gidroenergetika, wind power.Abstract
This article is made on the basis of research the background of the social infrastructure in the third world of the industrial revolution in Kazakhstan. The authors analyzed the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the essence of the industrial revolution and social infrastructure for the efficient use of renewable energy sources.
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3. Биекенов К.У. Глобализация политической культуры гражданского общества. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2014. – 442 стр.
4. Глобальная энергетика развития / под ред. О.Л. Кузнецова, Н.А. Абыкаева, А.Т. Спицина, А.С. Щеулина. – М.: Экономика, 2011.
5. Вернадский В.И. Несколько слов о ноосфере// Химическое строение биосферы земли и ее окружение. – М.: Наука, 1965.
6. Закирова А.Н., Щеулин А.С. Антропоцентричный подход к устойчивости экономического и социального развития // Вестник РАЕН. – 2011.
7. Долгих Е.В., Щеулин А.С. Перспективы и возможности комплексного решения экономических и энергетических проблем. – М., 2011.
1. Nazarbayev N.a. Favorites of derivative from stabilnosti- through modernizatsiyu- to prosperity. the strategy of radical renewal of the global community and partnership tsivilizatsiy. – M.: economics, 2010.
2. Nazarbayev N.a. Global energy strategy for sustainable Development in the XXi veke№ (scientific vision) – astana-Mos- cow: economics, 2011; speech at the st. Petersburg international economic forume., st. Petersburg, June 18, 2011.
3. biekenov K.U. the globalization of the political culture of civil obschestva. – almaty, Kazakh University, 2014. – 442 p. Monograph.
4. Global energy Development / ed. Kuznetsova o.l., abykaeva N.a., spitsina a.t., scheulina a.s. – M.: economics, 2011.
5. vernadsky v.i. a few words about the noosphere // chemical structure of the biosphere of the earth and its okruzhenie. – M.: science, 1965.
6. zakirova a.N., a.s. shcheulin anthropocentric approach to sustainable economic and social development // Journal of Natu- ral sciences. – 2011.
7. Dolgih e.v. shcheulin a.s. Prospects and opportunities of integrated solutions to economic and energy problem. – M., 2011.
How to Cite
Biekenov, K. U., & Mamytkanov, D. K. (2014). Formation of social infrastructure contemporaneity industrial Revolution. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from