Development of creative abilities of younger school age children


  • G. S. Tursungozhinova Государственный университет имени Шакарима
  • Zh. M. Naurzbaeva Государственный университет имени Шакарима
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creative work, abilities, thinking, developing games, creativity, psychology and pedagogical bases, intelligence, achievements, creative activityresults.


Development of creative abilities of pupils carried out in the course of various creative activity in which they interact with surroundings and with other people is considered in this article. To detectfeatures of creative activity of pupils we considered various aspects of this concept presented in philosophical, psychology and pedagogical literature. Studying of creativity happens in close connection with research of cognitive processes. First of all researchers of this direction consider correlation of creativity with intellectual quality as an interrelation problem of creating new one with acquisition and application of already developed knowledge and abilities. High creativityrates don’t guarantee creative achievements in the future at all, only increase probability of their emergence in the presence of high motivation to creativity and mastering necessary creative abilities. Experience of training to some aspects and ways of creative behavior and self-expression, modeling of creative actionsshows essential growth of creativity, and also emergence and strengthening of such qualities of the personality as independence, openness to new experience, high requirement to creativity. We consider game in the forms that existed in the preschool childhood, at younger school age it starts to lose its developing value and is gradually replaced by study and work, the essence is that these kinds of activity unlike game giving simply pleasure have the definite goal. Thinking, including planning actions, forecasting, considering chances of success, a choice of alternatives are improved in such games. Studying psychology and pedagogical literature gave the grounds to make a conclusion that though problem of organising development of creative thinking of children in pedagogical and psychological theory hasn’t still found commonsolution, practically all researchers are unanimous that in training purposeful work on developing creative thinking of younger school students is necessary and has to have a system character. Developing, modern education system takes into account fast rates and conditions of the changing society and state. Therefore many teachers pay special attention to development of creative abilities of children. We can say working experience of additional education establishments as one of the interesting examples of solving a problem of development ofcreative abilities of trainers. Additional education establishments are carrying out an active work on preservation and active support of motivation of children and youth to cognitive and creative activity throughout all long-term and a continuous periodof occupations in associations, circles, clubs, sections etc. Need to develop ability to solve creative problems assuming to transform reality systematically and consistently, to connect incompatible, to rely on pupils’ experience that makes a basis of system, dialectic thinking, productive, spatial imagination, application of heuristic and algorithmic methods of organizing creative activity of pupils for developing creative thinking and creative imagination of pupils is also considered in work.


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How to Cite

Tursungozhinova, G. S., & Naurzbaeva, Z. M. (2014). Development of creative abilities of younger school age children. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from