Psychological analysis of M.Makatayev’s creativity
art, poetry, feelings, inspiration.Abstract
In the CIS countries to do psychological analysis to the poets’ and writers creativity is a common thing, but to analyze the psychological issues of Kazakh poets, including the analysis of M. Makataуev’s poetry is unexplored scientific problem. Until the end of his days being an engineer of the human soul, the poet passed his mental zeal. Mukagali Makatayev’s creativity, including psychological work of the poet has not been investigated yet before us. This paper presents the process of poetic creation, expansion in the poets personality; his ability to work plays an important role. In our study, we try to analyze the poet M. Makataуev and his poetry. Consciousness, educational impact, the role of cognition, psychological processes of the poets soul, inspiration, M. Makatayev’s imagination in poetry and full consideration in helping the mentally ill are the subject of this work.
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