Peculiarity of of educational activity of students motivation


  • G. K. Dzhumazhanova Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университеті
  • Sh. O. Orinqalieva Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университеті
        173 416


motivation, motive, motive professional, communicative motive, emotional assessment, motivational sphere.


To date, the identity and activities of importance in the development of personality is one of the most pressing problems in psychology. Since social development presents its high requirements to becoming an active, creative personality. And in the present state of society, in the period to improve the political, cultural, social and economic life of the people and development of the younger generation with a solid civil position, of course, an important role is played by the proper formation of the person. Therefore, paying attention to the results of the analysis, the general concepts and theoretical studies of the individual, the human personality develops as a result of the combined effect of the main activities and interpersonal relationships. Personality – a product of the socio-political development. Man’s place in the system of social relations and activities, which he is engaged, are defining moments in the development of his personality. Becoming a person occupies a significant place in the characterization of the human, ie allowing the formation of his character and work of the highest conscious form, is the unity of all its relations. Therefore, at present learning activities and problems of motivation research activities have been widely. This article discusses the basic concepts of motivation training activities. In the process of determining the dominant motives of the person focuses on the individual as a subject in its intellectual, emotional and volitional characteristics. High levels of spirituality in man explained by moral, intellectual and cognitive motives. Also, it appears that between motivational orientation and student performance are  inextricably  linked. In close connection with the achievement worth the process and results, and the weak link between the direction «teacher evaluation». Training activities determined in-pervyh- inner motive, and secondly – external motivation (self-fulfillment, prestige, responsibility, duty, success). Satisfaction study is closely related with satisfaction of this need. This requirement sets the students to study and increase their social activity. However, studies on the influence relationship and need Dominate but not identical. For most activities needed motives in intellectually-cognitive system. Motives for intelligent system is a conscious, clear, have a real impact. Compulsory attendance in educational activity of students is the responsibility of the structure of the motif in the implementation of activities and the basis of improving the learning of positive motivation – to prove that it is all reflected the impact of the learning process. Certainly analyzing the functions of motivation training, defining its main driving force is necessary to consider the entire structure of human motivational sphere. For this reason, training activities, finding a variety of sources is polimotivnoy.


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How to Cite

Dzhumazhanova, G. K., & Orinqalieva, S. O. (2014). Peculiarity of of educational activity of students motivation. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from