The emotional conditions of HIV-positive people


  • Z. Madaliyeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • I. Rogasheva Университет Кайнар
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emotional conditions, HIV – positive people, psychological correctional work, emotional reaction, stressful situation.


This paper reviews issues concerning description and study of emotional conditions of HIV – positive people. Study of this problem gives possibility to reveal peculiarities of emotional field of HIV – positive people which facilitate their adaptation to the fact of their viral state, to overcome life crisis, to mobilize and effectively utilize compensatory mechanisms to fight the disease. Goal of the study: study and description of emotional states of HIV – positive people influencing the body’s ability to adapt to circumstances and facilitating stabilization of psychic condition. Empirical study was performed on the base of city and regional centers on prophylaxis of AIDS in Almaty and Issyk cities. Methods: Beck depression test, Gissen somatic questionnaire, Spielberger – Hanin arousal test, method of evaluation of subjective relation to the disease of Serdyuk, unfinished sentences of Sydney-Sacchs, test   of operative evaluation of well-being, activeness, mood «SAN» and Bass-Darkey aggressiveness test. Conclusion: HIV – positive people are in need of psychological work during whole course of disease. The main target of psychoilogical correctional work in HIV – positive people must be emotional condition of the patient.


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How to Cite

Madaliyeva, Z., & Rogasheva, I. (2014). The emotional conditions of HIV-positive people. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 51(4). Retrieved from