Social-psychological features of valable orientation development in youthful age


  • D. T. Ikhsanova Университет «Туран», Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • A. B. Aimagambetov Университет «Туран», Казахстан, г. Алматы
        71 27


values, psychology, value orientations, youth, development, social experience, social group, individuality, model, students, integrative approach, understanding, implementation, assumption, education institution, social activity, society, actualization.


The article reveals peculiarities of value orientations development in teen- age, as the research of present social group value orientations allows to recognize the most significant tendencies in general. Teen-age is a period when social needs are dominant and the system of value orientations is developing very intensively as well. Value orientations forming in specific situation of development impact much on future living choice. Understanding of own individuality is a very important factor of interrelationship with others and own self regulation. Development of value orientations in higher education institution is determined not by only high level of students’ activity but getting also professional qualification and competence of future specialist. Studentship as a social group and a carrier of progressing ideas of modern society, in future will be able to realize self values and impact on following generations. Due to training in higher education institution, scientific-research activity, different types educational work and practice, the future specialist forms a system  of value orientations and professional selfconsciousness. Reviewing value orientations of youth allows to define the level of its adaptation to new social conditions and innovative potential. Thus, the future status of society depends on what value basis will be formed. At the present time it is necessary to distinguish predominance of values directed onto reaching personal success what gives evidence of individual tendencies predominance. Due to coordination of social and personal-significant goals, through integrative approach the professional orientation actualizes. Identified typical features of students’ value orientations allowed to work out a model on the base of integrative approach, where three levels have been determined: understanding, assumption and value orientations implementation.  


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How to Cite

Ikhsanova, D. T., & Aimagambetov, A. B. (2013). Social-psychological features of valable orientation development in youthful age. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 45(2). Retrieved from