Structure of explicit-implicit model of psychologist professional intellect
professional intellect of psychologist, explicit and implicit theories, explicit-implicit model of psychologist professional intellect, biological, psychometrical, structural, structural-integrative, subjec-tive, resource and competence approaches, structAbstract
This article is devoted to structural model of professional intellect of psychologist, based on the results of a complex explicit-implicit study of psychologist professional intellect. The methodological base of the model was presented by implicit and explicit theories of intellect, bio-logical, psychometrical, structural, structural-integrative, subjective, resource and competence approaches to the study of intellect. On the ground of the approaches we specified a definition of the professional in-tellect of psychologist, marked out its structural components. Implicit studies of psychologist professional intellect made it possible to supplement the competences of practical psychologist, which are necessary in successful professional activity. The presented structure of explicit-implicit model of psychologist professional intellect made it possible to define, that the professional intellect of psychologist is a complex mental activity, constituting a unity of cognitive functions at different levels, system of abilities and competences, a form of individual mental experience organization, activated in the course of professional activity. The professional intellect, as intellect in a broad understanding, is a multi-dimensional formation, and depending on approaches to its study, we can point out a number of its components. In our study it is pre-sented as interrelation of general, emotional, practical and empiric intellects, competences, abilities and cognitive processes in structure of the professional intellect. In our opinion it is important to trace the abovementioned interrelations, because understanding of the interrelations will help to understand strategy of preparation of professional psychologists more precisely, to specify understanding of psychologist com-petence.
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