Social standards of life of middle class (on an example of Almaty city)


  • N. U. Shedenova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • A. S. Beymisheva
        45 31


quality and standard of living, welfare, education and training


The article is devoted to development of concept of social standards of quality of life of middle class. Authors have analysed the main characteristics of a social standard as social and economic category, its interrelation with quality of life and living conditions. Social and economic orientations of middle class are considered as a basis of formation of social standards in society. The main results of own sociological research of new social standards of life of middle class are shined in work.


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How to Cite

Shedenova, N. U., & Beymisheva, A. S. (2012). Social standards of life of middle class (on an example of Almaty city). The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 41(2). Retrieved from