Social meaning of religion e. durkgeim “elementary forms of religions life”.
Totem, ritual, cult, Calvinism, denomination.Abstract
This article presents Social meaning of religion in society. Social study of religion difference. The basic social functions of cult practice. Object of research believing in Kazakhstan. Subject research. What is the religion for believers? Emergence and religion existence in society. In what value of religion in social level? Research objective. Hope of people on general trusts and objects of generation. Appearing and existing of religion in all society and explaining striving of human being for fiddly the answer for these fundamental problems of own existence, but also to form the conscience and feeling of people, so, that they reach a leaven of rest and find moral support and solace in religions action. The right definition of religion (needs) reguires the obligatory accounting to all different existing religions belief and practice, to generalize them in most existing sides. Today’s empirical material, accumulated religion sociology for centuries history of existing, and gives the foundation for supposing in the form of the most essential feature of religion and connection religions experience and practice with “maximum, final conditions of human being”, for the number wirer is accepted to toke such a kind of fundamental events such as: birth and death of people, the meaning his appearing in the world. Much supposing and experience, good and evil and other dramatic moments.
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