Psychological analysis of influence of an incomplete family on child development


  • D. G. Naurzalina Актюбинский региональный государственный университет имени К. Жубанова
  • O. Kh. Aimagambetova Актюбинский региональный государственный университет имени К. Жубанова
  • V. A. Ankeshova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • A. S. Aliyeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
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family, self-assessment, type of family education.


Global social transformations, both in our country, and beyond its limits, put more and more high requirements to training and education of each person, self-education and mental development. The former Soviet Union countries showed experiment of reforming: one of the main prerequisites of reforms failure is the narrowness of a social base, including – youth rejection. Social practice shows that in the last decades there was a separation from a family, weakening of parental control, education in incomplete and dysfunctional families, the social loneliness at teenagers leads to growth of asocial informal teenage groups, increase in deviant behavior, the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Researches of mental development of teenagers give the chance to present it as many-sided process in which some central components, the leading moments which are, differently, interpreted in psychological concepts are allocated. Family conditions, including a social status, an occupation, material level and education level of parents, considerably predetermine a course of life of the child. Except conscious, purposeful education the child is influenced by all family atmosphere. Therefore it is very important that the child developed in the amicable, loving family where the teenager will feel sure in his future and happy. It’s  well  known  fact  conflict  of  «generations»  between  teenagers  and  their  parents.  Historically   it developed that fathers and mothers carried out different functions in a family, respectively fatherly education differed from the  maternal. Not any full family is the normal environment for full development and education of the child. The experts who are engaged in studying of a problem of incomplete families repeatedly specified and point to it. In particular, a certain statistical communication between education of children in an incomplete family and their subsequent unfortunate family life is noted. The probability of disintegration of marriage is more at spouses who were brought up in an incomplete family.


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How to Cite

Naurzalina, D. G., Aimagambetova, O. K., Ankeshova, V. A., & Aliyeva, A. S. (2014). Psychological analysis of influence of an incomplete family on child development. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 50(3). Retrieved from