Social and psychological consequences of the use of drugs and psychoactive agents youth


  • S. T. Kydyrmoldina Қазақстан инновациялық университеті, Қазақстан, Семей қ. Педагогикалық факультет, Шәкәрім атындағы Семей мемлекеттік университеті, Қазақстан, Семей қ.
  • G. S. Tursungozhinova Қазақстан инновациялық университеті, Қазақстан, Семей қ. Педагогикалық факультет, Шәкәрім атындағы Семей мемлекеттік университеті, Қазақстан, Семей қ.
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drug addiction, drugs, psychoactive agents, teenagers, prevention, healthy lifestyle, dependence.


In article the main reasons for the use of drugs and psychoactive agents by teenagers, and as a problem of drug addiction which is an important social and psychological problem in modern society are investigated. Features of development of the teenage age, being risk factor of the use by youth drugs and the psychoactive of substances are considered. Considering factors as genes, education and environment the author defined basis mechanisms of an use of drugs and psychoactive agents. The mental neurovnoveshannost of teenagers and tendency to imitation, absence of pedagogical attention and control belong to these mechanisms from a family, hyper guardianship from parents, a dissatisfaction and lack of communication. Motives of the use of psychoactive agents, as social and psychological motives, motive of requirement to change consciousness, motive of a pathological inclination were revealed. Leaning on numerous sources the author I allocated the following potential changes in a consequence of the use of drugs and the psikhoaktvnykh of substances: dependence formation to drugs, decrease in intelligence, defeat of immune and sexual system, and as airways, neurosis, instability of mood, a hallucination, apathy, a depression, social estrangement, a suicide. Doing the analysis, the author considers methods of prevention of the use of drugs and psychoactive agents teenagers. The author suggests to propagandize a healthy lifestyle among youth, to form negative attitude to the use of drugs and psychoactive agents by a demonstrition of mental and physiological consequences. According to the author, positive prevention it not only prevention of the use of drugs, but also a form of creation of the positive atmosphere in any group, a method of development of trust in relationship of the adult and the teenager, and as a way of formation of the positive relation to life.


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How to Cite

Kydyrmoldina, S. T., & Tursungozhinova, G. S. (2016). Social and psychological consequences of the use of drugs and psychoactive agents youth. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 49(2). Retrieved from