Individual self-regulation and character of Human
individual self-regulation, line and typе, character, individual style, subject properties.Abstract
The problem of character of typology is considered, data of long-term researches of individual styles of self-regulation at the different types of personality accentuations of character are generalized. Regulator basis and style forming role of subjective internals of personality (to responsibility, persistence, independence, flexibility of and other) are described. A special place is occupied by anxious and dysthymic type of accentuation, since the average level of individual self-regulation in these groups is much lower than the other typologies. Even the alarm type selected two profiles of self- regulation: In the first case, the characteristic features of an autonomous identity (81%) at a low level of independence, in the second line operational style (17%)at a low level of flexibility. In subjects such as color features of dysthymic autonomous style, combined with low expression of reliability. It is shown that efficiency of individual self-regulation depends not only on the type of accentuation, how many from development of personality of subject internals combination of that is specific for the different types of character.
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