Comprehension in relation to explanation: theory and practice
comprehension, explanation, theory and practice.Abstract
Comprehension is thought to become a new paradigm of cognitive psychology which describes the great role of comprehension in human life and work. As a process, comprehension can be described as a macrostructuring of information. Comprehension can be compared with an explanation in terms of theory and practice. Today the psychology of comprehensioncould serve asatheoretical base for practice of explanationin manypracticalfields,wherereadinesstoactsuccessfullyisimportant.Amongthosefieldscouldbecomprehension of instructions, or instructive texts in technical, military, scientific or academic fields as well as in everyday life. According to the theory, the memory volume in the process of comprehension is limited by 4 components, this data has been confirmed by Norton and Kaplan, well-known American business analysts, who state that the management of most successful companies consider 4 main channels of collecting information. Implementation of psychology of comprehension into practice could be demonstrated by the new tool to vastly simplify explanation and understanding of complex systems. The method FLIPP Explainers was invented by David Cox during his employment at Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, USA.References
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3 Kim A.M. Comprehension of Legal Text// Crossroads of Psychology and Law.International Conference.4-6 November, American University of Armenia,2011.– P.21.
4 Kim A.M. Principles of comprehension and modern business practice // Bulletin of the Kazak National University. Psychology and Sociology Is- sue.№1 (2007). – P. 11-14.
5 Cox D. J. Explanation by Pattern Means Mas- sive Simplification.
How to Cite
Kim, A. M., Cox, D. J., Sadykova, A. T., Akhmetova, J. B., Aidosova, Z. K., Khan, A. V., & Pivkina, V. A. (2012). Comprehension in relation to explanation: theory and practice. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 42(3). Retrieved from