Problems in symbiotic co-dependent families


  • E. M. Raklova Инновационный Евразийский Университет, Казахстан, г. Павлодар
        43 31


psychological birth, state of co-dependence, the symptoms of codependency, addiction, adaptation, physical health, persecutor, rescuer, victim.


The article examines codependency as a condition that occurs in family members of alcoholics or other forms of addiction, which is often worse than the disease itself. Codependency can be compared to a symbiosis of alcoholic and family members, but this is the combination has a destructive tendency, not only for the «donor», and for all its members. Originally formed from codependency humanitarian reasons – to help drinker, but with the development of alcoholism, and the longer the disease, the mechanism of co-dependence becomes reverse vector. Experts fear, especially, causes the pattern learned behaviors, feelings, and beliefs that make life problem that adversely affects the person’s adaptation, which leads to negative personality changes, violations of a harmonious and comprehensive development. That is what defines codependency as a serious psychological, medical, educational and social problems.


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How to Cite

Raklova, E. M. (2013). Problems in symbiotic co-dependent families. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 47(4). Retrieved from