Psychological features of experience of fear in primary school children and adolescents from complete and incomplete families


  • Jing Wu Пивдэнноукраинский национальный педагогический университет имени К.Д. Ушинского, Украина, Киев
        63 47


emotional sphere, fear, anxiety, complete and incomplete family, younger school age, adolescence, training.


The article presents an analysis of modern studies of the concept of fear, its types and causes. It was determined that the fear is a basic human emotions, which indicates the status of risk depends on many external and internal, of congenital or acquired factors. The causes of fear, accord­ ing to scientists, psychologists, is a particularly family upbringing style of family relationships, social conditions of child development. Consider the concept of incomplete family and psychological characteristics of students from single­parent families. The results of empirical studies of the experi­ ence of fear in primary school children and adolescents from complete and incomplete families. It was revealed that in primary school children and adolescents from single­parent families the number of manifestations of fear more than the younger students and adolescents from intact families; and the level of anxiety is higher in single­parent families representatives. The description of the training to work with fear and anxiety in primary school children and adolescents.


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How to Cite

Wu, J. (2015). Psychological features of experience of fear in primary school children and adolescents from complete and incomplete families. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from



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