Study of personal features of teenagers with a predisposition to suicidal behavior


  • R. Sh. Sabirova Карагандинский государственный университет имени академика Е.А. Букетова, Республика Казахстан, г. Караганды
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suicide, adolescence, temperament, aggressiveness, anxi­ety, extrovert.


This scientific article is devoted to the study of the relationship between psychological characteristics of personality (temperament, aggression and anxiety) and the propensity to suicidal behavior of adolescents. The aim of the research is to study the characteristics of adolescents’ suicidal behavior (temperament, aggression, anxiety) through the use of techniques of the Psychodiagnostics such as the questionnaire of suicide risk, H. Eysenck questionnaire ERI (youth version), questionnaire by Bass­Darky (aimed at identifying potential aggression), and Spielberger questionnaire (revealing personal and situational anxiety). The study is based on the assumption that adolescents with increased aggressiveness and high personal anxiety and personality trait “extraversion”, are prone to suicidal behavior. The relevance of the topic is chosen due to the fact that at present in many countries there is a “surge” of suicide attempts among adolescents (often incomplete suicide), explained by a “Werther effect”, or suicide under the influence of someone else’s example . Thus, at the moment suicide among adolescents and young people is a serious problem and, in particular, for psychologists, social workers and teachers. There are many reasons for this phenomenon – both social and psychological. Because adolescence is the most contradictory and disharmonious age compared with other age of the individual phases, the study of the psychological characteristics of adolescents, leading to the adoption of suicidal behavior is very important. The findings suggest that there is a direct relationship between personal anxiety and aggressiveness, which can be explained by the fact that a teen­ agers with high personal anxiety tend to take a fairly wide range of situations as threatening, in response to each of them a specific response, including ag­ gressive behavior. The opinions of others for this age period is of paramount importance, teenagers particularly aggressively react in the situations related to their appearance, as well as the constitutional features of appearance.


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How to Cite

Sabirova, R. S. (2015). Study of personal features of teenagers with a predisposition to suicidal behavior. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from