Gender self-determination of students


  • A. B. Otarbaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
        75 38


«gender», «gender determination», «gender identity», «mas­ culinity», «femininity», «ideal images of men and women», «self­knowledge».


In the article the problem of gender self­determination for young students. In particular we study the concept of «gender», «self­determination», «gender determination». Also considers the issues of formation of gender self­determi­ nation of students based on the ideal images of men and women in the family. Presents the components of gender self­determination, aimed at cognition of the perfect image, developing boy and girl on the basis of their own gender position in problem situations that satisfy personal ambitions, the demands of modern society and culture in General. Describes in detail the process of formation of a gender self­determination, starting with pre­school age. The urgency of the problem of gender self­determination is caused by ne­ cessity of development of the individual as a subject and object of public rela­ tions. Already in the prenatal period and especially at the birth of a child is determined by its biological and civil floors. On the basis of this is the education of the child in society. What is gender self­determination? Consider first the con­ cept of «gender» and «self­determination» separately, and then set the relation­ ship between them. Gender – social and psychological sex of the person, the totality of his psychological characteristics and peculiarities of social behavior, manifested in communication and interaction. Basic education in gender is the psychological gender of personality, i.e. achievement of a certain level of sexual consciousness and sexual identification, real mastery of the male or female role. Self­identity is the ability to define ourselves in the world, to understand their own capabilities, realize its place and purpose in life, to the selected sphere of public and labour activity, in personal life and career, the desire to posi­ tively change society. Gender determination is a process of self – awareness as a representative of one sex understanding of their own capabilities as a man or women, determining their place in the male and female society, in the family, to the selected sphere of public and labour activity, in personal life and career. Gender is a complex socio­cultural process of forming (constructing) of iranskih differences in male roles, behavior, mental and emotional characteristics, and the result of this process – a social construct of gender. Important elements in designing gender differences are the opposition of «male» and «female» and the subordination of the feminine masculine. The article reveals the concept of «gender determination» is the pro­ cess of self – awareness as a representative of one sex understanding of their own capabilities as a man or women, determining their place in the male and female society, in the family, to the selected sphere of public and labour activity, in personal life and career. At the same time in the process of their own activities depending on the social situation of the individual (boys or girls) exteriorized the qualities inherent in him as man or woman.


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How to Cite

Otarbaeva, A. B. (2015). Gender self-determination of students. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from