Status and development of industry of a healthy lifestyle in the city Almaty


  • Zh. A. Zhumakul Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
  • S. S. Serikzhanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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здоровье, здоровый образ жизни, индустрия здорового образа жизни, питание, фитнес. health, healthy lifestyle, the industry of healthy lifestyle, nutrition, fitness.


In this work, a healthy lifestyle is considered as a comprehensive social problem, which includes the cultural and economic factors. By analysing the theoretical researches on changing attitudes to the body in contemporary socie­ ty, the author pays attention to the social and economic dimensions of people’s attitudes to health as a specific type of capital and social status. Along with it in the article also gives a description of the consumers of services and products of industry of a healthy lifestyle, as well as justification of their gender and class differences. The article analyses the concept of Jean Baudrillard, examine the body as an object of consumption. In addition, the article is devoted to the close scrutiny of the concept of William Kokkerham, who drew attention to the peculiarity of the industry of a healthy lifestyle, which has a systemic character and connection with the consumption of the various spheres. The special attention was given to the analysis of the development of entrepreneurship in the field of industry of a healthy lifestyle in the severity of the deterioration of public health. Taking into consideration the impor­ tance of the problem of public health, the author gives an estimate of the prospects for of the industry healthy lifestyle in Almaty. This is done based on the expert survey among investors in this sphere at the II Republican dialog forum “Nutrition and Health” October 22, 2015. Referring to the results of the expert survey author has identified fea­ tures of formation and development of entrepreneurship in the field of in­ dustry of healthy lifestyle in Almaty and identified ways to start a business in the realities of the city. Taking the concept of the social context of P. Reynolds, determines the way business start­up in the realities of the city. In addition to that, considered also a charitable direction of the industry. In conclusion, the author gave a classification of areas of the industry healthy lifestyle in Almaty city, and the characteristics of different types of consumers’ spheres of the industry.


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3 J. Baudrillard The consumer society. His myths and structures. M.: Republic, the Cultural Revolution, 2006 (first edi- tion 1970), p.180.
4 Thomas АА..,, Walter EE..,,, Niemann S. and Rolf Weeiittkkuunnaatt... 1999. «««TTThhhee BBBeerrrnneee----MMMuuunnniiicccchhh Lifestyle PPPaannneelll»»»... SSSoozzziiaaall---- und PPPrrr�����vvvvveeeeennnnntttttiiiiivvvvv---
medizin 44:91–106.
5 Wickrama, K. A. S., Rand D. Conger, Lora Ebert Wallace, and Glen H. Elder, Jr. 1999. “The Intergenerational Trans- mission of Health-Risk Behaviors: Adolescent Lifestyles and Gender Moderating Effects». Journal of Health and Social Be- havior 40:258–272.
6 Bourdieu, Pierre. Outline of a Theory ofPractice. Distinction. Translated by Richard Nice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
7 William C. Cockerham. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2005. Health Lifestyle Theory and the Convergence of Agency and Structure.
9 Reynolds P. D. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. 1991. 16 (2). Pp. 47–70.


How to Cite

Zhumakul, Z. A., & Serikzhanova, S. S. (2015). Status and development of industry of a healthy lifestyle in the city Almaty. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 55(4). Retrieved from