Experimental research of cross-cultural features in Ethnic psychology.
Tolerance, ethnic, cross-cultural psychology, culture, national character, mentality, values, attitudes.Abstract
In this article ethnos, are descendants of the people, nations, nationalities stop in case of permanent socio-historical community. Tolerance - other behaviors, beliefs and values liberal solutions. «Culture» is the concept of a multi-dimensional phenomenon, a lot of Aspect phenomena of science. In combination with the value of the most important steps in the direction of a culture of life, as long as the established society. Accuracy depending on the goals and achievements of the system, it gives meaning to life. Culture is the ideas and categorizing things going on in the world. The world is developing with the help of human consciousness, ideas and things. World of the spirit of the people, the ideas, to find the meaning of the subject. Cross-cultural studies, different ethnic groups, their behavior is not only verbal, non-verbal behavior is different. Different ethnic people speak different languages, but they also use non-verbal communication in many ways. Non-verbal communication has different cross-cultural differences.References
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2.Стефаненко Т. Г. Этнопсихология. – М.: Аспект Пресс, 2003.
3.Кон И. С. В поисках себя: личность и ее самосознание. М.: Политиздат, 1984.
4.Лурье С.В. Историческая этнология. – М.: Аспект Пресс, 2007, 55 б.
5.Бромлей Ю.В. Очерки теории этноса. – М.: Наука, 1983, с. 58.
6.Аймаганбетова А.Б. История становления и развития кросс-культурных исследований в психологии. // Вестник университета «Кайнар» №3/2.2010 – 72 б.
7.Гумилев Л. «Как возникают и исчезают народы?». – Л., 1984. – 13-б.
8.Қартбаева Ж.Ж. Толеранттылық мәселесінің зерттелуі// Қазақстан орта мектебі 2009 ж – №9 – 16 б.
9.Досжан Р.Қ. Толеранттылық-ұлтаралық қарым-қатынас факторы ретінде // Зерттеуші 2012. – №6 (74). – 32 б.
10.Берри Дж. Как мы будем жить все вместе? Альтернативное видение межкультурных отношений / Кросс-культурная психология: актуальные проблемы // Под ред. Л. Г. Почебут, И. А. Шмелевой. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2005. 6-25.
11.Мацумото Д. Человек, культура, психология. Удивительные загадки, исследования и открытия. СПб.: Прайм-Евро-знак, 2008, 41 б.
12.Триандис Г. Культура и социальное поведение. – М.: Форум, 2007. – 23,46 б.
13.МацумотоД. Психология и культура: Современные исследования. – СПб.: Прайм- Еврознак, 2002. – 104 с.
14.Почебут Л.Г. Кросс-культурная и этническая психология.: учебное пособие. Питер 2012 – 14-13 с.
15.Сидоренко.Е.В. Методы математической обработки в психологий, 2010.
1.Hasanov N.N. On the culture of interethnic communication // Socio-political magazine. – 1997. – № 3. – S. 233;
2.Stefanenko TG Ethnopsychology. – M.: Aspect Press, 2003.
3.Kon I.S. Finding yourself: personality and identity. – M.: Politizdat, 1984.
4.Lurie SV Historical etnologiya. – M.: Aspect Press, 2007 55p.
5.Bromley YV Essays on the theory of ethnos. – M.: Nauka, 1983, p. 58.
6.Aymaganbetova AB The history of formation and development of cross-cultural research in psychology. // Bulletin of the
University «Kaynar» №3 / 2.2010 72b.
7.Gumilev «As nations rise and fall?». – L., 1984. 13-p.
8.Қartbaeva J.J. Toleranttylyk maselesinin zertteluі // Kazakhstan orta mektebі 2009zh №9 16b.
9.Doszhan R.K. Toleranttylyk-ularalyk karym-қatynas factors retіnde // Zertteushі 2012. – №6 (74). – 32p.
10.Berry J. How will we live together? Alternative vision of intercultural relations / Cross-cultural psychology: Current Issues// Ed. LG Pochebut, IA Szmielew. SPb .: Publishing House of the St. Petersburg State University, 2005 253-254p.
11.Matsumoto D. Man, culture, psychology. Amazing puzzles, exploration and discovery. – SPb.: Praym-2008 41p.
12.Triandis G. Culture and social behavior. – M .: Forum, 2007. 23.46 p.
13.Matsumoto D. Psychology and Culture: Contemporary research. SPb .: Prime-Evroznak, 2002. 104 p.
14.Pochebut L.G. Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology.: Textbook. Peter 2012 14-
15.Muqanov MM Developmental and educational psychology. – Almaty: Izd post, 1982, 247 p.
16.Sheriyazdanova HT Psychologist in kindergarten: A Tutorial. – Almaty: Rauan, 1997, 56 p.
How to Cite
Toksanbaeva, N. K., Nagashbekova, M. B., Batyrgalieva, A. S., Ahmetova, G. B., & Nurmuhanova, K. D. (2015). Experimental research of cross-cultural features in Ethnic psychology. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/238