The work of a social educator on shaping the communication culture of high school children.
communication culture, high school children, social educator.Abstract
In this article the explanation of obshcheniye is told about relevancy of communication, the types of communication and also different. And also information on feature of communication of seniors, and their types of communication is given. The main goal of ours of article is to show feature formation of culture of communication between seniors. Also importance is given on that that criteria which show the level of formation of culture of communication at pupils, about importance of ways which allows to investigate cultures of communication at seniors, about relevancy of correctional work in the course of formation, ways of formation at pupils, in the conclusion we would like to tell that the high level of culture of communication consists in knowledge and in consciousness of partners.References
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10.Қазақстан мектебі. №4/2009 ж. 75, 76 б.
11.Қазақстан мектебі. №6/2014 ж 29 б.
1.The law of RK «On education», 2007 //htpp:
2.Conception socio-cultural development of Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 1993. -32 p.
3.Kazakh culture. Encyclopaedic reference book. Almaty, 2005.
4.Matsumoto Д. Psychology and culture
5.Kalymbetova E. Social psychology. Almaty, 2012.
6.Seytaliev B. General psychology. Almaty, 2012.
7.Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology: textbook for institutions of higher learning. -SPb.: 2010. -592 p.
8.Turkpenuly Gh. Muzdybaeva B. Psychology upbringing work. Almaty, 2008.
9.Sheryazdanova H.T., Ermekbaeva L.K., Abeuova I.A., Alibaeva R.N., Amirbekova M.A. Psychology is a commonunication: textbook. –Almaty, 2012.
10.School of Kazakhstan. №4/2009. 75, 76 p.
11.School of Kazakhstan. №6/2014. 29p.
How to Cite
Kudaybergenova, A. M., & Batayev, G. G. (2015). The work of a social educator on shaping the communication culture of high school children. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from