Study of social and economic feeling of Kazakhstani students


  • N. Zh. Biekenova Казахский националь ный уни верситет им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Ал маты
  • G. A. Kenzhakimova Казахский националь ный уни верситет им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Ал маты
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youth of Kazakhstan, student youth, social issues, welfare.


This article describes the main approaches to the study of social prob­ lems of youth as a socio­demographic group. The period of higher edu­ cation is the one of the important stages of socialization, when realizes the way of its future development, becoming of generation, which able to achieve their life strategies in a rapidly changing society. There is an increase significance of research the student subcultures as a sociocultural environment of formation of life strategies of modern students. Based on the data of sociological research, author considered three aspects related to the socio­economic problems of students. The first aspect is related to assessment of the social issues, the second concerns the assessment of their financial position, raising the material welfare, and the third – the expectations from the state. This article presents some differences of youth among other age groups. Youth becomes concerned of high prices for food, housing services and education, weak social security system and unem­ ployment as well. For this reason, the socio­economic adaptation of youth should become one of the central issues for the optimum adaptation of young people to reversal in the socio­economic life of society.


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How to Cite

Biekenova, N. Z., & Kenzhakimova, G. A. (2015). Study of social and economic feeling of Kazakhstani students. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from