Juvenile justice and rehabilitation- correctional work with juvenile offenders in closed institutions.
juvenile justice, children’s courts, the justice system, devi ant behavior, behavioral problems, criminal behavior, antisocial groups deviant adolescents, social isolation, closed institutions, psychological and pedagogical work, juveniles, readaptation,Abstract
The article deals with the concept of «juvenile justice», examines the experience of children’s judges system of foreign countries, describes the factors of deviant behavior, proposes rehabilitation and correctional work program for minors in prison. Provides an explanation of the legislation system with positive changes in order to implement the project «Juvenile justice» and «Concept of development of the juvenile justice system in the Republic of Kazakhstan». The article examines children’s judges which are based on the foreign experience. The short summary of the AngloSaxon and Continental models of foreign countries are given. It describes the fac tors of deviant behavior, as well as reveals signs of demoralization in the behavior of minors which are rapid growth of alcoholism, drug addiction, vagrancy, disorderly conduct, theft, robbery, prostitution, suicide. Char acteristics of juvenile offenders by the typological features and the main types of social exclusion are described.References
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2. Словарь терминов по защите прав ребенка. – Астана: ЮНИСЕФ Казахстан, 2007.
3.Акажанова А.Т. Пси хология девиантного по ведения несовершеннолетних: теория и прак тика: монография. – Ал маты, 2011.
4.Кондратьев М.Ю. Социальная психология закрытых образовательных учреждений / М.Ю. Кондратьев. – СПб.: Питер, 2005. – 304 с.
5.Паатова Мария Эдуардовна, Даурова Мариет Шугаибовна. Реабилитационно-воспитательная среда учреждений закрытого ти па для несовершеннолетних правонарушителей // Феноменология и профилактика девиантного по ведения : Материалы VI Всероссийской с международным участием научно-практической конференции, 1–2 ноября 2012 г.
6.Дмитриев Ю.А., Казак Б.Б. Пенитенциарная психология. – Ростов-на-Дону, 2007.
7.Акажанова А.Т., Елшибаева К.Г. Пси хологическая служба в закрытых учреждениях: учебное пособие. – Алматы, 2009. – 112 с.
8.Бычкова С. Ювенальная юстиция и права детей // Казахстанская правда от 6 декабря 2002 г. – С. 3.
1. The concept of development of the system of juvenile justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009-2011: Materials of the official website of the Ministry of Justice on August 19, 2008.
2. Terms dictionary of the protection of children’s rights.– Astana: Kazakhstan UNICEF 2007.
3. Akazhanova A.T Psychology of deviant behavior of minors: Theory and Practice. Monograph. – Almaty, 2011.
4. Kondratiev M. Y Social Psychology of closed educational institutions / MU Kondratiev. – SPb .: Peter, 2005. – 304 p.
5. Paatova Maria Eduardovna, Daurova Mariette Shugaibovna. Rehabilitation and educational environment of closed institu-tions for juvenile offenders // Phenomenology and prevention of deviant behavior: VI All-Russia with international participation scientific conference, 1-2 November 2012.
6. Dmitriev JA, Kazak BB Penitentiary psychology. – Rostov-on-Don, 2007.
7. Akazhanova AT, Elshibaeva KG., Psychological Service in closed institutions: Textbook. – Almaty, 2009. – 112 p.
8. Bychkova S. Juvenile justice and children’s rights / Kazakhstanskaya Pravda dated December 6, 2002 – S. 3.
How to Cite
Akazhanova, A. T., & Kurbanaliyeva, M. K. (2015). Juvenile justice and rehabilitation- correctional work with juvenile offenders in closed institutions. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-psysoc.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-psy/article/view/215