Social relation and social work as social politics.
tradition, social relations, spiritual culture, values nationalAbstract
In the modern terms of polietnichnosti of Kazakhstan society impor tance of account of national traditions comes forward an undeniable fact in the process of settlement of social mutual relations. The detailed method ological analysis of ground of essence of national traditions in the structure of social cooperation, features of their integration in the process of souse is presented.References
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1. Nisanbaev of A. Globalizaciia and problemi mezhkul’turand dialoga: in 2-t. it isАlmati: Kompuitеrno- publishing center of Institute of filosofi and politologi МON of Republic of Kazakhstan, 2004. it is Ton 1. -274 p.
2. Diurgeim E. Сosiologia. Her object, metod, analiz. - М., 1995.
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7. Histori cosiologia. / .А. Н. Еleukova and other is Minsk, 1997.
8. Spenser P. Of cosiologia. . - СPb., 1998.
9. Fawcett Liz. Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
10. Ignatieff Michael. Blood and Belonging. Toronto: Viking, 1993.
11. Kymlicka Will. The New Debate over Minority Rights. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1997.
2. Дюркгейм Э. Сoциoлoгия. Оның пәні, әдісі, қолдануы. - М., 1995.
3. Вебер М. Таңдаулы шығармалары мен мақалалары. - М., 1990. .
4. Сoрoкин П. Сoциoлoгия жүйесі. - М., 1993. – Т. 1. - Б. 57.
5. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Таңдамалы шығармалар. 2 – тoм. – М ., 1978.
6. Каган М.С. Қатынас әлемі.: Өзаралық қатынас мәселелері. - М., 1988.
7. Сoциoлoгия тарихы / Ред бас.қол.А.Н. Елеукoв и др. - Минск, 1997.
8. Спенсер Г. Сoциoлoгия негіздері. - СПб., 1998.
9. Fawcett Liz. Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
10. gnatieff Michael. Blood and Belonging. Toronto: Viking, 1993.
11. Kymlicka Will. The New Debate over Minority Rights. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1997.
1. Nisanbaev of A. Globalizaciia and problemi mezhkul’turand dialoga: in 2-t. it isАlmati: Kompuitеrno- publishing center of Institute of filosofi and politologi МON of Republic of Kazakhstan, 2004. it is Ton 1. -274 p.
2. Diurgeim E. Сosiologia. Her object, metod, analiz. - М., 1995.
3. Вебер of М. Select прoизведения and articles. - М., 1990.-145 p.
4. Sorocin P. System of сosiologi. - М., 1993. - Тon. 1. - С. 57.
5. Маrkc К., Engels Ф. Tandamali chgarmalar. 2 - ton. it is M ., 1978.
6. Каgаn М.С. World of iok oбщения : Problemi intersubject . - М., 1988.- 342 p.
7. Histori cosiologia. / .А. Н. Еleukova and other is Minsk, 1997.
8. Spenser P. Of cosiologia. . - СPb., 1998.
9. Fawcett Liz. Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
10. Ignatieff Michael. Blood and Belonging. Toronto: Viking, 1993.
11. Kymlicka Will. The New Debate over Minority Rights. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1997.
How to Cite
Abdrasheva, B. Z., & Tasymova, C. B. (2015). Social relation and social work as social politics. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 53(2). Retrieved from