Impact of war on a moral choice of youth in works by E.M. Remark and Ch.T. Aitmatov


  • N. S. Ahtaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • A. Аhмеtоvа Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • M. Nurtаеvа Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
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deserter, conscience, moral choice, spiritual rebirth.


The war and its consequences hardly enough reflected in social psychology, although this is clearly a problem of her field of study. It is this gap is filled by talented writers - participants and witnesses of those years. It is because of their works, we learn that in fact it was, and what torments and trials endured youth, with some intolerable situation they pushed the war and how to survive with dignity, endure and be reincarnated as worthy citizens of their country. In this paper, these horrors of war are presented on the example of the life of the writer EM Remarque and his young fellow «lost generation» who have found effective ways to express feelings and thoughts crowding their hearts during this terrible social disaster, as well as the example of the story of Chingiz Aitmatov «Face to Face». In his works, Remarque describes the hardships and joys of military and post-war life. Realism gives them the fact that he, as a soldier, and then an exile in his own country, has experienced it all. The main characters of his works - a prototype of his friends, his and ruined a whole generation. Erich Maria Remarque assigned to the writers of the «lost generation». This group of «angry young men» who received the horrors of the First World War and have seen the post-war world was not what he saw from the trenches, wrote his first book, so shocked Western public.


1.Ремарк Э.М. На западном фронте без перемен. Т1. – М.: АО «ВИТА-ЦЕНТР», 1991. – С. 7.
2.Ремарк Э.М. На западном фронте без перемен. Т1. – М.: АО «ВИТА-ЦЕНТР», 1991. – С. 172
3.Ремарк Э.М. На западном фронте без перемен. Т1. – М.: АО «ВИТА-ЦЕНТР», 1991. – С. 80.
4.Леонова Е.А. Немецкая литература ХХ века. Германия – Австрия: учеб.пособие /Е.А. Леонова. – М: Флинта. Наука, 2010. – С. 174.
5.Т.1: Собрание произведений Чингиза Айтматова. – С. 16. ( Чингиз Айтматов «Лицом к лицу» – С. 9-75). Там же. Т.1: Собрание произведений Чингиза Айтматова – С. 44.
6.Чингиз Айтматов и литература Казахстана (Сост. Алтыбаева С.М., Машакова А.К. – Алматы, 2003. – С.56.) /Chingis Aytmatov and literature of Kazakhstan (Comp. Altybayeva S.M., Mashakova A.K. –Almaty, 2003. – P.56)

1.All Quiet on the Western front» -E.M. Remarque. Т1. – М.: АО «VITA-CENTER», 1991. – P.7.
2.All Quiet on the Western front» -E.M. Remarque. Т1. – М.: АО «VITA-CENTER», 1991. – P. 172.
3.All Quiet on the Western front» -E.M. Remarque. Т1. – М.: АО «VITA-CENTER», 1991. – P. 80.
E.A. Leonova. German literature of the twentieth century. Germany - Austria: Study guide/E.A. Leonova. – M: Flint. Science, 2010.
- 174 pp.
4.V.1: Collected works of Chingis Aytmatov –p.16. (Chingis Aytmatov –«Face to face», p.9-75).
5.V.1: Collected works of Chingis Aytmatov- p.44. (Chingis Aytmatov –«Face to face», p.9-75).
6.Chingis Aytmatov and literature of Kazakhstan (Comp. Altybayeva S.M., Mashakova A.K. – Almaty, 2003, - Р. 56)


How to Cite

Ahtaeva, N. S., Аhмеtоvа A., & Nurtаеvа M. (2015). Impact of war on a moral choice of youth in works by E.M. Remark and Ch.T. Aitmatov. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from