Principles of Social Work
spiritual values, principles, social work, pedagogical impact.Abstract
In the article «Principles of Social Work» discusses various approaches by the complex and differential way in solving social problems. These principles provide the effectiveness of psycho-pedagogical impact on the state and behavior of the client’s social work. Principles generate the rep-resentatives of different social strata, groups, professions and age-specific views and attitudes to the material and spiritual values, the reality around us, without which it is impossible to targeting of consciousness, feelings, will, and behavior.References
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1. Gubanov V.A., Zaharov V.V., Kovalenko A.N. Introduction to systems analysis. –Leningrad, 1988
2. Gig J.Van. Applied general systems theory. M: World, 1981. p. 336
3. Bertalanffy L. An Outline of General System Theory. Critical review M., 1969
4. Panov A.M. Social work as a science, the kind of professional and specialized in higher education//Russian Journal of Social
Workю 1995. №1
5. Social work. Issue 1-10 / Еdited by Zimnyaya I.A., M., 1992-1994
6. Social work: Training and Reference Manual, М., 1997
7. Theory and Methods of Social Work. In 2 volumes/ Еdited by Zaynysheva I.G. M.: 1994
8. Topchiy L.V. Staffing of social services: state and prospects of development. M.: Institute of Social Work. 1997
How to Cite
Nurbekova, Z., Zhanazarova, Z., & Fayzullina, A. K. (2015). Principles of Social Work. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from