The absenteeism mood among young people: the causes of political alienation


  • A. A. Kokusheva Казахский национальный уни верситет имени аль-Фараби
        40 29


young people, students, absenteeism, political alienation, political culture, patriarchal culture, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, democracy, political orientations.


The problem of political alienation of youth, intensive spread of which the author brings to the patriarchal type of political culture, which forms the value-installer «passive participation» in the political life of society. The article also provides a definition of the category of «alienation», in par-ticular reveals its constructive and destructive forms as political behavior. Put forward a position that absenteeism mood among the youth due to a number of problems: one related to the political past of the country, while others held to the influence of political culture on public consciousness of the young generation. The results of sociological studies that demonstrate a low level of political participation of young people in the political life of society, which is directly related to the lsck of interest in their politics.


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How to Cite

Kokusheva, A. A. (2015). The absenteeism mood among young people: the causes of political alienation. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from