The peculiarities of research of the individual ethnocultural microenvironment in the system of ethnosocial work


  • Zh. Kh. Kendirbekova Карагандинский государственный уни верситет им. Е.А. Букетова
        51 28


microenvironment, ethnocultural microenvironment, non-institutional ethnocultural microenvironment, ethnocultural position of a person, ethnosocial work, non-institutional ethnocultural environment.


Polyethnic composition of the population highlights the problem of preservation of ethnic harmony. Ethno-social work is one of the directions in solving this problem. Necessity definitions of key environmental com-ponents, the impact of which will make it possible to promote the devel-opment of positive ethnosocial relations of personality and effective inter-national cooperation. Ethnocultural microenvironment provides a Central link, accumulating actual social needs and characteristics of ethnocommu-nicative contacts of the individual. The research of ethno-cultural environ-ment is the very important step in determining the content of ethno-social work. The article presents the results of a methodological study of the structure, process diagnostics, conditions, methods of efficiency, major components of the study of individual ethno-cultural microenvironment, the impact of this phase on the efficiency of the ethno-social work.


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How to Cite

Kendirbekova, Z. K. (2015). The peculiarities of research of the individual ethnocultural microenvironment in the system of ethnosocial work. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 52(1). Retrieved from