Social responsibility of higher education institutions and their contributions to development regional


  • M. Maul’sharif Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        29 20


social responsibility, university, business, regional development, integration, stakeholders, mission and purpose of the university


The article attempts to analyze scientific literature on the study of current trends and patterns of integration of universities in regional processes, and are characterized by major problems and possible directions of such integration. The perspective of the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of social responsibility and its principles also focused on the functions of universities implementing the principle of socially responsible institution. The article also sets out that universities have significant scientific potential and their own resources for development, considering the effective interaction with its stakeholders as their strategic objective. A large part of modern universities seriously integrated into regional processes. The experience of one of the universities of Kazakhstan in the field of social responsibility studied, which was focused on improving the efficiency of the interaction between the University and the region. Survey Methodology. The basis for the article served as theoretical and applied research of foreign and domestic scholars and experts in the field of social responsibility, as well as legislative and regulatory documents in the field. In preparing the article used the traditional methodological tools of social science: the method of system analysis, the method of expert estimations, the method of scientific abstraction, etc. Results. Theoretical analysis of the publications of scientists and experts led to the conclusion that the concept of “social responsibility” is most popular in the business community called “corporate social responsibility”. Since the university as an organization are interacting components of the system, form a part of society, the concept of “corporate social responsibility” applies to universities. Furthermore universities implementing the principle of socially responsible organizations have a number of important functions are explained in active cooperation with the local community to improve the scientific and educational, socio-cultural, spatial environment of the region. Applying the concept of “university, engaged in regional development” has brought to the role of stakeholders, the concept is rooted in the education from management theory. This concept is the most promising, allowing the university to form a development strategy and involves updating new management resources, and the most important of which is social policy aimed at the development of corporate social responsibility of the university.


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How to Cite

Maul’sharif, M. (2015). Social responsibility of higher education institutions and their contributions to development regional. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 54(3). Retrieved from