Formation of a new sociogender order in the context of globalization: let’s look at the world in a new way
Globalization, continuing its development, brings new forms of its manifestation, changing many things in the political, economic, social and spiritual universe, increasingly introducing absurd (as it may seem) phenomena and deformations into everyday life. The article examines the little-studied issue of the development in the world of a complex and contradictory social process associated with the formation of a new gender order. The author builds a coherent conceptual basis for the analysis of a new social phenom- enon from the standpoint of a sociological approach developed under the guidance of professor G.Sillaste by the scientific school “Gender and Economic Sociology” on the conceptual interaction of paradigms of modes of social time, social change and social space. The essence, content, specifics, subject and objects of the new gender order emerging in the world are revealed; the features of its integration into various spheres of life of Russian society and the social risks that arise at the same time. The factors that determine the development of the global gender order and the forms of its country consolidation in the context of globalization, including its implementation in Russian society, are analyzed. The article opens a scientific discussion on understanding a new global social phenomenon, its spread in the country space, risks and threats to national interests, socio-cultural and spiritual values of the institution of the family. In the trajectory of the future, it is necessary to critically assess social risks and threats to the socio-political and cultural- ideological potential of gender norms, incl. gender neutrality imposed by the EU countries, addressed to the institutions of the family, marriage, parenthood, motherhood and fatherhood.
Key words: gender (sociogender) order, country space, social changes, gender equality, gender inequality index, gender gap.