Problems and recommendations of special education teachers working with children autism


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The article emphasizes that the education of children with special needs in the field of special education, including children with autism, is becoming increasingly important today. Teachers play an important role in the education of autistic children. The study focused on the problems faced by special education teachers working with autistic children when working with these children. The purpose of the study: to obtain opinions and recommendations of special education teachers working with autistic children in an inclusive educational space; (a) about the characteristics of autistic children, (b) about the problems they face when working with autistic children, and (c) their work to solve problems.

To study this quality, negotiations were held with 16 volunteer teachers working in special classes of M. Zhumabayev School № 39. A preliminary interview form was prepared for the negotiations. Inter- views were conducted with all teachers separately on the same day, time and place. Then an interview was conducted, a descriptive analysis was carried out and the results are presented in quantitative terms. The results of the study showed that not a single teacher was trained by autistic children with a bachelor’s degree, and some attended training seminars, trainings for autistic children. In addition, it was found that teachers have different views on the behavioral characteristics of autistic children. Teachers expressed dif- ferent opinions about the rules followed in the classroom for autistic children, the teaching methods they use during the lesson, the effectiveness of the methods and their work on the skills they teach in everyday life. Teachers’ opinions about the characteristics of children with autism differed from each other.

Key words: special education, children with autism, teacher, behavior, social skills.


How to Cite

Yessirkepova, U. R., Lekerova, G. Z., & Polatova, S. D. (2022). Problems and recommendations of special education teachers working with children autism. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 81(2), 33–42.