Basic approaches to the study of value problems: foreign experience


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This article is devoted to the study of the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of value problems. The purpose of the article is to analyze foreign concepts and points of view on this problem, starting with the works of ancient philosophers and ending with modern research by psychologists. The scientific philosophical view on value issues is presented by the analysis of the main ideas of G. Lotze, I. Kant, G. Hegel and others. The value issue is also considered in the context of the analysis of sociological research presented by the works of W. Dilthey, E. Durkheim and others.

The article contains a fairly serious systematization of the views of E. Fromm, K. Rogers, A. Maslow. FM Rokich, G. Allport, G. Hofstede, G. Triandis and others. A special place is given to the consideration of the concept of values created by Sh. Schwartz, who proposed a fundamentally new approach to the study of values.

Thus, the study of value problems allowed us to conclude that from the point of view of philoso- phy, sociology and especially psychology – values, value orientations can be considered as regulatory mechanisms, the most important regulators of the behavior of individuals and communities.

The practical significance of the article is determined by the fact that it makes a certain contribution to the study of value problems, which is relevant in connection with the global problems that humanity is experiencing today.

Key words: value problems, values, value orientations, theoretical and methodological approaches, foreign researchers.




How to Cite

Adilova, E. T., Aimaganbetova, O. K., & Madalieva, Z. B. (2021). Basic approaches to the study of value problems: foreign experience. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 76(1), 59–73.