Significance and strengthening of the image of social work in the public perception


  • Г. С. Абдирайымова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Д. К. Бурханова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Н. Тулебаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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The article is devoted to the analysis of society’s understanding of the profession of social work, as well as the identification of factors that influence the formation and maintenance of the image of social workers, including factors of professional differences, self-stigmatization and indifference.

The article presents the results of a quantitative study conducted by the Center for sociological re- search and social engineering of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in March 2019 among the popula- tion of a large metropolis (Almaty). The research focused on the study of the image of social work as one of the new professional activities among the public, awareness of the focus and specifics of social work, as well as the analysis of existing images, statements and stereotypes.

In addition to the structural problems that prevail due to the natural and historical development of social work, there are also internal restrictive barriers to the development of social work in Kazakhstan. The authors conclude that the current challenges facing social work include low public awareness of   its specifics, lack of professional differentiation, as well as difficulties associated with the process of its status determination and professionalization. Taking into account the fact that the public understanding of the diversity of roles and social services is not sufficiently developed.

Key words: social work, profession, indifference, self-stigmatization, perception, social workers.




How to Cite

Абдирайымова, Г. С., Бурханова, Д. К., & Тулебаев, Н. (2020). Significance and strengthening of the image of social work in the public perception. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 73(2), 86–100.