Social Service in improving the activity of of elderly people


  • A. Chinassilova Әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті,Қaзaқстaн Республикaсы, Aлмaты қ.
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social activity, older people, retirement age, life activity in the elderly, social competence, an aging population.


The growthabsolute numbers of the population and increasingproportion of older people in the modern Kazakh society raises a number of economic, social and ethical consequences. This article presents the forms of social activity, and given their characteristics. It is analyzed the internal and external factors of social activity of elderly people which will enhance their vitality. It attempts to consider these factors have been made in relation to each other. Also, this article considered the scope of activity in the elderly, such as the continuation of an active professional activity, participation in public life, active in family and domestic sphere, continuing education and self-development, maintaining social contacts, leisure time dedication active recreation and travel, maintaining good physical shape, leading a healthy lifestyle. It was characterized by the socio-economic situation of older people, the average pension and the minimum pension. The relevance of this article was caused by the fact that the reduction of social activity becomes the main risk for the elderly in today’s society. His reasons are the gap between the established boundary of the retirement age and the onset of old age, the complexity for older people to adapt to the rapid changes in society. The problem of social activity of the elderly is becoming particularly relevant in terms of population aging and requires changes in the level of the state and society. In its turn considered forms of social care services, increase vitality, which makes it possible to increase the social activity elderly people and allows them to move more freely and to live independently.


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How to Cite

Chinassilova, A. (2017). Social Service in improving the activity of of elderly people. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from