Meritocracy as a principle of kazakhstan dream


  • K. U. Biekenov Казахский национальный университет имени aль-Фaрaби, Республикa Кaзaхстaн, г. Aлмaты
        38 58


meritocracy, social policy, professionalization.


This article describes the basic concepts and categories related to meritocracy. Asa result of study has been determined the modern definition of meritocracy. Meritocracy is defined by the author as the professionalism, competence, ability to analyze and synthesize social processes. Also highlighted the characteristics of meritocracy as a competitive, knowledge, deep knowledge and understanding of the problems of the state, mastery of methods for achieving a society that contribute to strengthening the order, the deepening of democracy, the consolidation of society. The article mentions the role of meritocracy in the implementation of programs “Nurly Zhol”, the plan of the nation’s “100 Steps” national idea “Mangilik El”, which are the main programs in the implementation of Kazakhstan’s dreams. Living in meritocracy is also the dream of our civil society and professional state. In this connection, the higher education of our society realize competence of understanding, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, competence, arming each selection encyclopedic knowledge, expertise and methodology of social justice research. The basic idea lies in the professionalization of the state, workers must not only be talented and erudite, but also professionals and highly educated specialists ‒ they are formed on the basis of the principles of meritocracy. Meritocracy is a form of government in which the society is ruled by the most worthy, capable, talented people, selected from all segments of society. In the main part of the author of the concept of meritocracy confirms as the fairest form of personnel selection. Civil equality, hard work, honesty, values and the cult of education, tolerance, loyalty and patriotism can also describe the key factors of Kazakhstan’s dreams. Implementation of these problems is impossible without fair principles of meritocracy, the fairest form of a real choice of competent people, when highly educated personnel manage society. Signs of meritocracy can be a person hope for their abilities, capabilities, experience, knowledge, refusal of state paternalism and dependency.


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How to Cite

Biekenov, K. U. (2017). Meritocracy as a principle of kazakhstan dream. The Journal of Psychology &Amp; Sociology, 59(4). Retrieved from