The history of Kazakhstan psychology: undeservedly forgotten names
historical and psychological research, domestic psychology, history of psychology, nomothetic and ideographic research, positivism, scientism, the cultural-historical theory.Abstract
The article notes that the history of psychology has a certain placein the domestic history of science, however in the existing historical literature of psychology there is no place to prominent kazakh scientist Gaziz Idrisov ich Aimanov, undeservedly forgotten by his companions and followers. In this regard, we would like to fill this gap in the history of Kazakhstan psychology, and remind his name toreaders. The article presents the biography of the sci entist, discloses social, psychological, cultural, economical and internal factors that influenced the development and formation of G.Aimanov as a scientist, a professional psychologist and educator. A brief psychological analysis of the PhD work content on theme: “Peculiarities of visual and motor analyzers’ de velopmentof high school students” was given.The article draws attention of the scientific community to the names whosignificantly contributed to the devel opment of domestic psychology and training of the psychological and peda gogical staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A brief historical overview of the training of psychological personnel in the country was given. In this series were presented the following names of Kazakh scientists. And as a historical fact, an example of necessity to revive the forgotten names, was presented life path of G.I.Aimanov –the graduate of the former Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov, faculty of logic and psychology, who will celebrate his 90 years in the coming year (2017).
обрaзовaние. ‒ 1946. ‒ № 11-12. ‒ С. 67-68.
2 Aймaнов Г.И. Возрaстные особенности рaзвития зрительно-двигaтельного aнaлизaторa у учaщихся средней школы
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В.И. Ленинa. – М., 1965. ‒ 20 с.
1 About teaching of logic and psychology in high school: VTSK VKP (b): Resolution of 03.12.1946 // Education. ‒ 1946. ‒ №
11-12. ‒ S. 67-68.
2 Aimanov G.I. Age features of visual-motor analyzer development of high school students [Text]: Abstract diss. on scientific.
the degree of the candidate ped. Science (psychology) / Moscow state. ped. Inst named after Lenin. ‒ M., 1965. ‒ 20 p.65. ‒ 20 p.