Influence of «Abakus» method on psychological features of pupil
Abacus method, selfesteem, personality, ability.Abstract
At the present time on the territory of Kazakhstan opened a lot of childhood devel opment centers. According to statistics from 2013 in the Republic discovered 230 child development centers offering a variety of educational programs. It should be noted that among such educational programs Abacus program are the most popular. This train ing program is a multilevel process to develop skills on special board, which involves highlevel computational operations work with multinumbers in mind, as well as im proving the quality of memory, attention and stabilize selfesteem. Abacus method is very popular in the world of educational programs. There are a lot of foreign studies of Abacus method’s effectiveness: James W. Stigler (Associate Professor at the University of Chicago), Lawrence Chalip (a member of the public policy research committee at the University of Chicago), Kevin F. Miller (associate professor of psychology at the University of Texas), Kimiko Kawano (Kimiko Kawano – researcher of medical school, Center for Informatics and Sciences), Toshio Hayashi (Toshio Hayashi – doctor of techni cal Sciences, professor of Osaka Prefecture University, Director of the research Institute for advanced science and technology). Unfortunately, in our country there are no stud ies showing a positive effect of Abacus method on the Kazakhstan sample. The article presents psychological data on the effect of the method of Abacus on psychological characteristics of students. Primary school pupils were involved in the study. The experi mental and control groups of subjects were balanced by age and socio – educational criteria: age of the subjects two samples ranged from 6 to 9 years. The total number of subjects 60 school pupils: in the experimental group – 27 school pupils in the control group – 33 school pupils.
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